Keys to Success: Eliminating the Fixed Mindset

Keys to Success: Eliminating the Fixed Mindset

When it comes to running a successful business or achieving lofty goals, one of the biggest roadblocks is having a fixed mindset.

Individuals with a fixed mindset are often described as those who are set in their ways and resistant to change. People who think this way often place limitations on themselves and believe their lack of success is primarily due to various external circumstances.
This mindset causes their talents to be “fixed,” meaning they can’t be improved or enhanced.
In other words, a fixed mindset is a form of self-sabotage that increases their probability of failure.
Individuals with a growth mindset can be described as those who believe their talents and abilities can be further-developed through hard work, dedication and a positive outlook. Thinking this way allows room for self-improvement, which can increase their probability of success.

Do You Have a Fixed or Growth Mindset?

Before beginning any type of endeavor, it’s critical a person recognize what type of mindset they have.
How a person initially views a situation can determine its outcome:

Fixed Mindset
Growth Mindset
Resents the success of others
Becomes inspired by the success of others
Shies away from new challenges & opportunities
Looks forward to new challenges
Dislikes criticism
Welcomes criticism as an opportunity to improve
Quick to criticize and judge others
Looks to encourage and motivate others
Focuses on limitations
Sees unlimited possibilities
Gives up easily
Keeps trying until they succeed

Individuals with a fixed mindset may say one of the following:
• “I’m not successful because I don’t have the right connections.”
• “I can’t get ahead because I don’t have a degree.”
• “If I was rich, I could start a business.”
• “I can’t do that. I’m too old/poor/sick, etc.”
• “Why even try? It won’t work anyway.”
On the other hand, those with a growth mindset often exhibit the following traits:
• Drive. The ability to keep going when times are tough.
• Ambition. The desire to achieve something great.
• Goals. Having something to strive for: The end-result of a person’s hard work and dedication.
• Passion. Intense feelings a person has for something that never diminishes or wavers.
• Perseverance. The ability to stay dedicated to accomplishing a goal during difficult times.
• Resilience. Able to overcome various obstacles, and bounce back from criticisms and setbacks.

Creating a Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset is key to success. Those with a fixed mindset may feel they can’t change, but that’s not true. Thankfully, individuals with a fixed mindset can shift to a growth mindset with the following tips:

1. Discover a sense of purpose. Individuals with a growth mindset look at the big picture and have something to strive for.

2. Stop using the word “fail.” Few children learn how to ride a bike without falling. Babies fall constantly until they are able to walk. Both Amazon and Fed Ex took years to become profitable companies. The same logic applies to trying something new. Keep trying until you succeed.

3. Stop looking for approval from others. Some “friends” will frown upon your ideas out of spite, or because they simply they have a closed mindset and don’t understand what you’re trying to accomplish.

4. Use others for inspiration. On the flipside of #3, learn from those who have already succeeded at what you’re trying to accomplish. Find out what they did and emulate them.
Remember: if they can, you can to.

5. Find a mentor. Befriend someone who has achieved success and ask them for advice. Unlike #3, a good mentor will help you achieve your goals, not deter you or tell you it’s not possible.

6. Focus on the journey, not the destination. Many of life’s greatest lessons (and memories) come from the journey, not the final destination.

7. Silence the inner voice. As fixed-mindset thoughts enter the mind, it’s critical they are immediately silenced with positive thoughts: “I can do this.” “It may be difficult, but it’s not impossible.” “I will accomplish my goals!”

8. Learn everything you can about your endeavor. Continuously learning new ideas and strategies are essential to growth. This is critical to having a growth mindset. No one knows everything.

9. Discover your talents. Everyone has their own set of unique talents and gifts. Discover yours and work on improving them.

10. Learn from your mistakes. Use your missteps as learning tools. Instead of letting them defeat you, make adjustments until you reach your goal.

If a person has a growth mindset, anything is possible as success starts from within. By changing their mindset, a person is one step closer to achieving their goals.

  • Elle
    Posted at 20:19h, 27 February

    This is a very good read and I like how you gave examples on how the two mind sets think.