5 Reasons Why Authors Give Up On Their Book

5 Reasons Why Authors Give Up On Their Book

Writing a book can be exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Many authors market their books to friends and family without having a plan for the book. As creatives we get so consumed with the writing, the editing, and the formatting process that we lose focus on what truly matters the most. The AUTHOR BRAND.

Publishing the book is the easy part. The true work begins before you get the physical copy in your hands. Oftentimes authors will promote and market their book to everyone. What happens when the buzz goes away? Some authors give up on promoting their book. Others move on to something else.

Here are five reasons why authors give up on their book:

1. Not Clear On Their Reader Audience. 

Your reader audience are the people that are most likely to purchase your book? You should have a clear understand of your ideal reader prior to publishing. Where are the people who are interested in your book located. Are they online or offline? Can your ideal reader afford to purchase your book? Does your ideal reader like paperback, ebook, audible book? These are simplistic questions that you will need to ask yourself.

2. No Marketing Plan or Strategy. 

Having a marketing plan or strategy is the foundation of being successful as an author. According to Webster Martian dictionary, Marketing is the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service.

3No Author Brand.

 If nobody knows you are an author. Nobody will buy your book. Remember no BRAND, no BOOK SALES!

4No Support System.

You will need to surround yourself around business minded people who support and truly believe in your vision. Stay away from those people who are consistently telling you writing a book is a bad idea. Especially if they have never written a book. Your support team should be solid.

5Lack of Confidence.

You have put in the time and the effort to write and publish this very thing. Stop telling yourself that you can’t be a successful author. Lack of Confidence is fixed way if thinking. You were created to be great and you MUST start believing in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself , how do you expect your reader audience to believe in you to purchase your book?

And there you have it — 5 Reasons Why Authors Give Up On Their Book. Now let’s tell the world about your book, by building your AUTHOR BRAND!

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